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Is Too Much Fruit Harming Your Liver? The Surprising Truth About Fructose and Your Health!

Fructose is a naturally occurring sugar present in various fruits, vegetables, and honey. It is widely used as a sweetener in processed foods and beverages. Unlike glucose, which is the main sugar used for energy in the body, fructose is metabolized differently. Consequently, there have been concerns about the possible negative impact of excessive fructose …

Is Too Much Fruit Harming Your Liver? The Surprising Truth About Fructose and Your Health! Read More »

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Ashwagandha: The Wonder Herb that Promises to Cure Everything (Except a Broken Heart)

Have you heard about Ashwagandha? It’s the latest wonder herb that promises to cure everything from anxiety to cancer. Yep, you heard that right – cancer. But before you start stockpiling Ashwagandha supplements, let’s take a closer look at this supposed miracle cure.   What are the claims about Ashwagandha? Ashwagandha has been used in …

Ashwagandha: The Wonder Herb that Promises to Cure Everything (Except a Broken Heart) Read More »

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