Coach Nachiketh Shetty

Unleashing Athletic Power: The Barbell Row’s Impact Beyond the Gym

In the realm of fitness, the barbell row emerges not just as a strength exercise but as a game-changer with a profound impact on athletic performance, transcending the boundaries of the gym. Let’s dive into the superheroic benefits of the barbell row, exploring its real-life applications in the world of sports.   Stability, the Backbone …

Unleashing Athletic Power: The Barbell Row’s Impact Beyond the Gym Read More »

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Ashwagandha: The Wonder Herb that Promises to Cure Everything (Except a Broken Heart)

Have you heard about Ashwagandha? It’s the latest wonder herb that promises to cure everything from anxiety to cancer. Yep, you heard that right – cancer. But before you start stockpiling Ashwagandha supplements, let’s take a closer look at this supposed miracle cure.   What are the claims about Ashwagandha? Ashwagandha has been used in …

Ashwagandha: The Wonder Herb that Promises to Cure Everything (Except a Broken Heart) Read More »

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Cholesterol, Apo-B, and Their Effects on your Heart: Explained

When it comes to health, cholesterol is a hot topic. You might have heard that high levels of “bad” cholesterol, or low-density lipoprotein (LDL), can increase your risk of heart disease. But have you heard of Apo-B? This is another marker of heart disease risk that you might not be as familiar with. So, what …

Cholesterol, Apo-B, and Their Effects on your Heart: Explained Read More »

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